The Race to Imprint our Highest Ideals on A.I.

An exploration of the urgent global quest to encode human wisdom and aspirations into AI... before it escapes our control.

The documentary

The "Inconvenient Truth" of Our Time

As AI rapidly eclipses human intelligence, this documentary showcases impassioned technologists, ethicists, spiritual leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, artists, and activists race against time to ensure artificial intelligence can help us co-create humanity's noblest visions rather than mirror our darkest instincts. 


The guides

Philosophy can only get us so far. The world needs practical steps on how to take action. From playbooks to governance, we're working hard to make them available to all.


The podcast

COMING SOON! Amplifying the voices of those thinking deeply about the intersection of AI and what’s best for humanity.


THE dialogueS

We're inviting every person across the globe to engage their communities in conversation and in action. From local events to intimate dinners, consider hosting one of the most important conversations of our time.

  • "Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war."

    Open letter signed by AI scientists and notable figures

  • "We are now the life in charge, and it’s up to us to decide what we want the future of life to be."

    Max Tegmark, Author, Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of AI

“AI is more than technology or a risk -- it's an opportunity to reset civilization as we know it.”

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